Optimization for Google
Search engine optimization is not just to rank in search engines but mainly to achieve a good click through rate from the targeted visitors. This means that your web site should come up in the search results of the search-engines with targeted keywords that are related to your content or theme of your site.
Not surprisingly, Google optimization is becoming increasingly competitive as more and more companies realize the importance of getting a high ranking here, but it is also one of the most ‘user-friendly’ search engines to work with! Google updates frequently, deep indexes many pages from a website, and is also good at ignoring sites that try to ’spam’ the listings through the use of unscrupulous techniques.
Points to achieve Higher Google Rank:
Place keywords in URL:
The most important elements to insert keywords into are the URL (domain name + path + filename) and title of your web page. Also, a low-level URL is considered more important than a higher level URL.
Page Titles:
Pay a lot of attention to the titles of the pages you are trying to get ranked. Don’t target more than two or three keyword phrases. Worry about the proximity and prominence of the main keywords. By that, I mean put your more important words closer to the beginning of the title, in the right order, next to each other and make sure the target keywords are a high percentage (but not 100%) of all the words in the title.
Google Site Submission:
Great, you’re all set. Now you should submit your site to Google, right? Not necessarily. Let Google find you. HOW Google finds you can affect your page rank. I don’t mean that there is a standard penalty for submitting to Google. There’s been speculation on that for a while but I have yet to prove it matters.
Increase Quality Back Links:
Back link helps our site to be indexed by Search engine faster. That is the first thing for you to know. No matter how good your site is, without any back link from other site, it’s like your site is a great mall in the deep jungle. So hard for people to find and visit your site.
Google Analytics:
Using Google Analytics as the only information of the campaigns effect can create a distorted and incorrect picture of what really is taking place. The Urchin software, that is used by Google for their Analytics program, is stripped of many features, the output is delayed and as in forums of webmasters widely discussed full of flaws. Most well known draw-back is the slowing down of the web site, because the JavaScript offered by Google is connecting each time to the Google Server. Well, it is for free, so no claims can be made. So when you have performance problems check also this fact.