May 29, 2009

Sender Time Zone : New in Gmail Labs

Gmail grows day by day and adding more features in Labs and make those features live that which are gaining the hearts of users. On April 8th 2009 night Gmail has released a new product in labs called "Sender Time Zone". This is a nice feature. Using this feature you can find what time in your contacts country. 

Don't get confused. For example you have friends or clients world wide. For example you have received an important mail from client or friend. You would like to discuss about that issue immediately to him or her and wants get it resolved. If it is early morning to your client or friend, then it's so bad to disturb them in a deep sleep. So using this feature just simply have a look on time zone (as shown in the image) and then call him if it's the right time or else wait for few hours. (click on the Image to enlarge)

If you have all local friends then it won't much use for you, because yours and their time zone is same. For professionals and Global consultants have found this feature very useful who have global network and also interacting with them often.

But here is a problem again. If you are in India and your system has set to US timings then it may show your time wrong. So it would be better to set your system according to your time zone. Of course most of the people will set their pc time zone as per their time zone only, however i just want to make you aware of this.

May 28, 2009

Google Flash SEO

In case you missed their recent announcement about Flash, Google and Adobe have teamed up on a new algorithm to index text content in Flash. As a result of the new algorithm for Flash, Googlebot now indexes “textual content in SWF files of all kinds” and extracts URLs embeded in Flash.” On July 1, 2008, Google rolled out another update designed to assist Googlebot in its ability to traverse simple JavaScript, like SWFObject. While the full impact is not yet known, these technologies will redefine how Flash sites are created, constructed, designed and, as a result, optimized.

Before discussing the results of my case studies and how to optimize an actual scenario Flash site, it’s important to understand some crucial background information.

Prior to the introduction of Google’s Flash algorithm, Googlebot crawled only (X)HTML architectures without executing JavaScript to access text content and/or URLs in Flash. These new capabilities raise a number of questions about how Google handles, crawls and indexes content in Flash. Does Google index all text content in Flash? Does Google associate text content in Flash with the correct parent URL? Does Googlebot crawl links containing “pound signs” in URLs? Can Flash files have PageRank? How does Google treat underlying interlinked (X)HTML structures of corresponding text content pages? What about “Progressive Enhancement” techniques? To answer these and other questions, I’ve been testing the effectiveness of “Google’s Flash algorithm” since its inception to find out what it means for current design practices.

Googlebot Flash Update Case Studies

Before looking at how to optimize an actual scenario site, it’s important to establish the new “laws of the land,” so to speak. For that reason, I’ve conducted a number of experiments with various sites but have included only a few case studies below. These case studies lay a foundation in terms of understanding how Googlebot now interacts with Flash since Google’s new algorithm for Flash was introduced. For demonstration purposes, I’ve used Google’s example from Google Webmaster Central Blog.

Google Flash Update Case Study #1:

Google Flash Content Association with Parent URLs

Experiment: To determine if Google associates text content embedded in Flash inside an (X)HTML page with the correct “parent” URL as a single entity.

Hypothesis: Google currently still does not associate text content in Flash with the correct parent URL or as a single entity.

Background: According to Google’s Official Webmaster Blog, “If the Flash file is embedded in HTML (as many of the Flash files we find are), its content is associated with the parent URL and indexed as single entity.” To support their claim, Google posted the following image: Google Flash SERP

Procedure: To test their claim, I used Google’s example query [nasa deep impact animation].

Google Flash Result

Since the introduction of support for SWFObject in July, Google hasn’t associated text content in Flash with the correct parent URL or as a single entity. More often than not, either the Flash URL or both the Flash and parent URL are indexed.

*For test validity, I’ve monitored Google SERPs (search engine results pages) for the above query daily over a period of 60 days. I’ve also monitored Google’s SERPs for the following queries over the same period of time: [deep impact amy walsh] and [deep impact impact with comet Tempel 1].

Google Flash Update Case Study #2:

Google Flash File PageRank

Experiment: To determine if Flash files can accrue PageRank.

Hypothesis: Flash files can accrue PageRank.

Background: In a recent interview with Eric Enge, Maile Ohye mentioned that links in Flash function as a regular links and, therefore, can pass PageRank. If links in Flash can pass PageRank, it seems they could also accrue PageRank.

Procedure: Again using Google’s example, I visited both the parent and child URLs and recorded their “Toolbar” PageRank.

Google Flash SERP PageRank

The (X)HTML parent URL page has a “Toolbar PageRank” of 7 while the Flash file URL (.swf) page has a “Toolbar PageRank” of 6.

Flash files can accrue PageRank independent of their own parent URLs.

*Note: The illustration in this case study shows both the parent and child URLs indexed as unique individual entities in Google’s SERPs (search engine results pages). This further supports the findings in Case Study #1.

Google Flash Update Case Study #3:

Googlebot #anchor (fragment identifier) URL Extraction

Experiment: To determine how Googlebot handles URLs containing #anchors (fragment identifiers).

Hypothesis: Googlebot ignores #anchors (fragment identifiers) in URLs and, as a result, extracts only URLs preceding #anchors (fragment identifiers) in Flash embedded links.

Background: According to Google’s own JohnMu, “When we find URLs with an anchor attached like that ( we generally ignore the anchor part, since it is not relevant when fetching the contents of a URL.” While this is a convention commonly used for playhead control in Flash sites, it refers to the same page as defined by W3C.

Procedure: To test the experiment, I used Google’s “inurl:” operator to search for instances where Google had indexed a URL containing a pound sign. The queries I used are [inurl:#] and [inurl:& # 35;].

Result: No results found.

Google doesn’t index URLs containing #anchors (fragment identifiers) in Flash per W3C Guidelines.

Google Flash Update Case Study #4:

Google Flash Text Translation

Experiment: To determine if Google can translate text content in Flash.

Hypothesis: Google can not translate text content in Flash.

Background:Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” To some, “universal accessibility” would imply translation.

Procedure: To test the experiment, I used Google’s translation tool to translate the case study example into French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian.

Result: No results found.

Currently, Google doesn’t seem to support translations of text content in Flash.

Googlebot Flash Interaction Scenario

Avenues for optimizing Flash differ, but the final destination remains the same in terms of organic search engine optimization. The scenario below reveals the basics of how Flash sites are typically optimized. In addition to the description, I included images to help further illustrate the dynamics involved.


“SEO for Flash” is simple in theory; embed an entire “site” within a Flash file and layer that Flash file over an interlinked (X)HTML structure of corresponding content pages via JavaScript. Thanks to the JavaScript (SWFObject), users with Flash enabled see Flash, while users without Flash enabled (previously Googlebot) receive the underlying interlinked (X)HTML version of content pages. In order to control the Flash presentation for users with Flash, URLs with #anchors are embedded to create the illusion of “seamless transitions” between “virtual pages” within the Flash file.

(A second iteration of this same technique draws text content seen both in the Flash presentation as well as the underlying (X)HTML from the server. However, Google does not attach external content resources loaded in Flash files. “If your Flash file loads an HTML file, an XML file, another SWF file, etc., Google will separately index that resource, but it will not yet be considered a part of the content in your Flash file.”)

While the scenario above seems fairly simple, understanding how each element is “digested” by Googlebot is a bit more complex. Here are a few issues to be aware of when optimizing Flash sites in light of the new Flash algorithm.

“Progressive Enhancement”

As illustrated by Case Study #1, Googlebot traverses simple JavaScript, like SWFObject and, as a result, it completely circumnavigates text content provided via “Progressive Enhancement” in most cases.

Flash in SERPs

As Case Study #1 and #2 illustrate, Google may not associate text content in Flash with the appropriate parent URL and/or as a single entity. This makes it possible for users without Flash-enabled browsers and/or devices (iPhone) to access Flash files directly from Google’s SERPs. This issue can result in a bad user experience.


As illustrated by Case Study #3, Googlebot ignores pound signs (#anchors / fragment identifiers) in URLs. As a result, Googlebot interprets URLs containing pound signs as different URLs with different content than intended. (After pointing this issue out to the creators of SWFAddress, Asual added the “Copy link to clipboard” option to footer of pages in their SEO example.) This issue is further complicated by the introduction of Google’s new algorithm for Flash, the support for simple JavaScript and the possibility of Flash files being indexed in Google search engine results pages.

If a user posts a link to, Googlebot will only see and index the content at

PageRank / Keyword Thinning

As illustrated by Case Study #2, Flash files can now accrue PageRank independent of their own parent URLs. As a result of this issue, PageRank thinning is likely to occur, because PageRank is divided between the parent URLs and actual URL. The percentage of thinning is likely to increase in proportion to the quantity of underlying (X)HTML pages containing “the flash file.”

Similar to PageRank, keyword relevancy may not be allocated to the intended URL. When keyword relevancy that is intended for one URL is instead allocated to another URL, thinning occurs.


As Case Study #4 illustrates, Google doesn’t seem to translate text content in Flash files, especially when text is supplied by a server or some other third party source.

Google SEO for Flash

Before talking about SEO for Flash, it’s important to define what that really means. Ask a Flash guy what SEO for Flash means and he might say something like “indexed content” or “indexation.” Ask an SEO guy what SEO for Flash means and he might say something like “ranking top 10 or text content in Flash.” As you can see, there are two different definitions and, therefore, two totally different expectations at work here. To an SEO, indexed content is the starting point where SEO for Flash begins. Simply “being indexed” is better defined as “Search Engine Friendly” (SEF). The introduction of Google’s Flash algorithm means most Flash sites are, by default, search engine friendly assuming text content resides within the Flash files and isn’t in a vector format.

Organic search engine optimization (SEO), unlike search engine friendliness (SEF), depends heavily on “meta data,” not just “meta tags.” Lots of information can be gleaned from (X)HTML by search engines via, TITLE elements, ALT attributes, images, headers (H1, H2, H3, H4…), internal link structure, fonts, link popularity, relationships, site categories, subdivisions and sections. Engines rely on these elements for meta data as well as other informational “signals” used for rankings. “More data is good data” but only when that data is available in a digital format that’s digestible by search engines and can be translated to determine relevancy for textual queries. As Vanessa Fox recently pointed out, the lack of structural meta data in Flash is a real disadvantage.

With Google’s introduction of “Universal search” in May 2007, Flash sites were dealt a new obstacle. Universal blends results from verticals like news, images and YouTube, in Google’s search results. The advent of “Universal search” is somewhat problematic for Flash sites, because Googlebot can’t extract images and/or video embedded in Flash for inclusion in Google’s “Universal” search results. To illustrate, currently doesn’t rank top ten in Google Images for [Adobe] or [Adobe logo].

Google Flash SEO Tips for 2009

Since “optimizing Flash” is difficult, it’s better to understand the fundamental limitations of the medium in terms of search, and to then concentrate on optimizing site design and architecture.

  • When it comes to text, “Don’t use it for something when there’s already a standard whose output can be easily parsed, easily processed, and whose openness makes its processing easier for browsers and searchbots.” - “Bergy,” Google Webmaster Central
  • Avoid text content and links in Flash
  • Don’t use text content in Flash supplied via third party file
  • If you must use text content in Flash, use sIFR
  • If you must use text content in Flash and sIFR isn’t an option, create individual Flash files laid over each corresponding (X)HTML page via SWFObject
  • “Instead of including everything in one flash file it may make sense to break the content into different flash files so you can create different HTML pages around the different ideas contained in it.” - Aaron Wall,
  • When using SWFObject, consider using absolute URLs in underlying (X)HTML and Flash files
  • When using SWFObject, be sure to include “alternative” images for users without Flash
  • Avoid using text content in Flash for pages employing “seamless transitions” where URLs don’t change, or, instead, include “pound signs”
  • Provide links to important pages within Flash files using absolute URLs for users who arrive at the Flash file via Google search engine results pages
  • Consider how translation issues may impact content in Flash and investigate ways of working around these issues

May 20, 2009

Free Tips To Generate Traffic and Link Popularity

The main objective of any Search Engine Optimization campaign is to generate traffic and attract more and more visitors by using different ethical strategies. Building link popularity is one of the most effective ways to make popular your website on the web and also getting traffic to your website. In this article you can find some important tips to generate traffic and obtain inbound links for your website:

1. Article Submission: Submitting article to various article submission directories is a better and effective way to obtain inbound link and generate traffic to your website. If you are an expert of your field and can write good content then write articles related to your business and submit them to article submission directories. Always remember to include a resource box having a link back to your website. If your article is impressive and informative to users then it will be published and increase your traffic as well as link popularity.

2. Directory Submission: Submitting your website to related web directories is an easy way to increase link popularity and generate traffic to your website.
By submitting your website to a directory you will get an inbound link that increases your link popularity. Often webmasters and many other people go to visit various web website directories for specific information so it also helps to generate traffic to your website.

3. Blogging: Business blogs are also an effective way to generate traffic as well as obtain inbound links to your website. Create a blog related to your business and make regular posts on that. Blogs are easily accessible and you can easily add or modify content in your blog. Always include a link back to your website in each and every post of your blog that will help to divert traffic to your website. If your blog posts are unique and informative then visitors may return back to your blog time to time for more information and it will increase traffic to your blog as well as your website and help to increase your link popularity.

4. Online discussion forums: Online discussion forums are also an excellent way to generate targeted traffic and building link popularity to your website.

There are three ways to participate in online forums. You can post any useful information related to general topic of that forum by starting a new thread, you can post your queries and also respond to requests for help. It is beneficial to take part in discussions in these forums, as they often provide you a signature box where you add a link to your website. These signatures appear in your each and every post. In this way it increase link popularity and targeted traffic to your website at no cost.

5. Press Releases: Press releases considered not only generating traffic and building link popularity to your site but also effective way to get noticed your business in media. You can write a well crafted content for press release or attempt to write something unique that will be useful to its users, write as shorter as feasible to maximize your efficiency and speed and submit it to popular press release sites to publish. Do not forget to include a link back to your website in press release.

6. Link Exchange request: Sending Link exchange request to other relevant websites is one of the most effective ways to generate traffic and building link popularity to your website. Only focus on sites relevant to your website but not the direct competitors and send them request to exchange links with your site. Make sure to have something unique to attract other webmaster to link to your site.

It results in long term so it requires a little patience. Avoid link farms and try to get links from authority websites, edu and gov sites and also focus on getting links from older websites.

Above tips will be useful to you, follow them and sure link popularity and traffic to your site will increase day by day. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to share with me….

Top SEO Tips To get higher Search engine Rankings

Getting listed in search engines is not a difficult task but what matters how have your site been listed in a search engine. Your site can get higher ranking in all search engines if you follow ethical SEO strategies. In this article you can find some important SEO tips which can help you to get higher Search engine rankings:

1.Do Research on Keywords: Keyword being the weapon of your success in SEO as search engines work as per your keywords hence be careful while selecting right keywords. It is widely advisable to use Overture or Wordtracker tools to select right Keyword.

2.Work On Content: It is widely said that for websites ‘Content is King’. So concentrate on your web content and make sure that the content provides some unique information to your visitor and not duplicated from elsewhere. While writing content for your web pages, insert vital keywords which relate to the products and services that your company offers.

3.Proper Design: Design your site that clearly represent your business and make an easy navigation based on your keyword research. Your overall webdesign should be simple, nice and user friendly. Make web pages that are easy to load. Don’t make pages with large images, if images are necessary; make a thumbnail and must add a description of the image.

Be Search Engine Spider Friendly: Search Engines read the websites content through its spiders or crawler. These spiders go through the site and categorized them as per the need of searchers. Always make sure that you have HTML link in your main navigation on each page. Avoid javascript link and menus, flash, graphics as search engine spider’s can not read them.

5. Build incoming links to your site: Incoming links are very, very important for SEO and also possibly the hardest part of SEO to implement. One way Incoming Links always have more importance than reciprocal links. Avoid link farms and try to get links from authority websites, edu and gov sites as they have more weightage than others and also preferable by search engines. Writing articles and submitting them to various article directories is also a better way to get free one-way incoming links and it also build a good reputation at the same time.

6. Don’t try to fool the search engines: Search Engine spiders are now more clever than you think and Search Engines update their algorithm time to time so don’t try to make them fool otherwise your site will be banned from search engines. So avoid cloaking, link farms, keyword stuffing, alt text spamming or other and unethical methods.

Have a little patience and follow the Ethical methods of SEO. It will surely give you your desired results

May 4, 2009

What Is the Next Step After Optimizing Your Online Traffic?

As most webmasters already know, making money online is essentially about optimizing traffic and monetizing that traffic.  Optimizing traffic refers to two things:

  • getting targeted visitors to come to your site (meaning that if you sell an anti-virus software, you want people that come to your site to be looking for those) [QUALITY]; and

  • getting as many of those visitors as possible [QUANTITY].

Once you have optimized your site in terms of attracting good traffic, what should you do to make money out of it?  It depends on the purpose of your presence online (by the way, if you're not clear as to what is your purpose in making a website, you better stop and reflect on it before going on... otherwise it's like walking in the dark with no sense of direction).  People looking to make money online normally fall under three categories:

  • Webmasters looking to build good resources sites and make money out of the traffic that comes.  For instance, if you are passionate about chess, you may want to build a website discussing chess strategies.  Your main purpose is therefore to have an informational site and you will probably make money by "selling" your traffic to advertisers through various means such as pay-per-click, pay-per-impression, or pay-per-action.

  • If you are really passionate about chess, you can go a step further and build a blog that will discuss your perspective on chess.  This undertaking will involve more work since you will need to write entries on a regular basis if you want to build your readership.  Overall, however, the concept is the same as above in terms of monetizing your traffic.  You will probably make money by selling your traffic to advertisers.

  • Jumping from informational sites to sites that sell products/ services now...  If you are a manufacturer of board games, your main purpose is not to sell information per se, but to sell your product online.  If that is the case, you will monetize your traffic by selling your products and not by "selling" your traffic as is the case for informational sites.

All that being said, most webmasters learn through trials and errors.  As you will probably learn if you are serious about making money online, good webmasters and those that succeed all have at least two qualities in common.  They have lots of patience and perseverance!  So next time you feel like giving up, remember that!